Hi and welcome to WubiDubstep. The pool called " Wich is the best wub from last month" was closed yesterday. 50% vote with Blood Red. 2 vote for Bangarang. The following songs have just one vote: Rise Like Lions, Levels and This way.
Here are the stats for all the history of WubiDubstep:
In September, WubiDubstep had 10 views.
In October, 768 people viewed WubiDubstep.
In November, 2517 people viewed WubiDubstep.
Now we have 3307 views in total.
Lots of people from all over the world are watching WubiDubstep, but most likely from:
Romania --- 2142 views
USA --- 397 views
UK --- 105 views
Canada --- 78 views
Germany--- 65 views
Poland --- 62 views
Philippines 38 views
Hungary --- 30 views
France --- 24 views
Malaysia--- 24 views
76% used Google Chrome to view WubiDubstep. 11% used Firefox, 3% used Mobile Safari, 2% used CriOS, 2% used Internet Explorer and less then 6% used Opera, NokiaBrowser, Dolfin and Firebird.
85% used the OS Windows to view WubiDubstep 5% used Macintosh, Mac and OS X, 3% iOS 4%, Android. Others OS used are: Linux, Samsung, and BlackBerry.